Rep & Warranty Insurance
Practical & Trustworthy Risk Management Solutions
that Support Your Strategy
Transaction Risk Specialists
With direct personal experience buying, selling, banking, and consulting,
we know how to navigate the process and provide support beyond the policy.
Strategic Protection for Mergers & Acquisitions
Reduce the impact of a rep or warranty breach with a Rep & Warranty policy.
Whether you're the buyer or the seller, there are
significant advantages to Rep & Warranty Insurance.
Please refer to your policy and insurance advisor to verify deductible details.
The Benefit Set yourself apart in a competitive deal by making a 98-100% cash-at-close offer without sacrificing an indemnification pool.
When to engage Heritage Talk to us pre LOI. We can provide quotes up front so you know before submitting an offer what the cost of the policy will be.
The Benefit Reduce the chances and the potential impact of an indemnification action while receiving more cash at closing.
When to engage Heritage Talk to us before going to market. We can provide quotes for use in your data room to establish up front that you expect a policy to be purchased.
Partnering with Strong National Carriers