Our Insurance Carriers

Auto-Owners Insurance
Website: auto-owners.com
Please contact your independent agent first. For more information about the claims process, please visit: Report a Claim
Claims and Other Information:
Customer Center: Sign In

Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies
Website: bhhc.com
Report a Commercial Auto Claim: Commercial Auto Claim
Report a Commercial Property Claim: Commercial Property Claim
Report a Workers Compensation Claim: Report an Injury

Berkshire Hathaway GUARD Insurance Companies
Website: Guard.com
Submit a Claim Online: Agency Service Center Log-in
Claims and Other Information:
Email: csr@guard.com

CNA Insurance
Website: CNA.com
Submit a Claim Online: CNA Claims
Submit a Claim by Phone (Available M - F , 8 am - 8 pm EST):

Foremost Insurance Group
Submit a Claim Online: Foremost.com/claims/
Report an insurance claim for your Manufactured Home, Motor Home, Travel Trailer, Luxury Motor Coach, Specialty Homeowners, Vacant Property, Seasonal Property, Landlord & Rental Property, Motorcycle, Off-Road Vehicle, Snowmobile, Boat, Personal Watercraft and/or Collectible Auto (Monday-Friday 8am-7pm EST):
Report an Auto Claim:
Report a Claim for Your Business (including BOP, Commercial Auto, Umbrella and/or Employment Practices Liability Insurance):
Report a Worker's Compensation Claim:

Frankenmuth Insurance
Website: fmins.com
Submit a Claim: fmins.com/claims/how-to-report-a-claim
Claims Phone Number:

Grinnell Mutual
Website: grinnellmutual.com
Submit a Claim Online: grinnellmutual.com/claims/report-a-claim
Login to "My Account": grinnellmutual.com/account-login
Grinnell Mutual Claims Call Center:

Liberty Mutual Insurance
Website: libertymutual.com
Small Business Customers:
844-325-2467 (844-3-CLAIMS)
Midsize and Large Customers:

Mennonite Mutual
Website: mennonitemutual.com
To make the initial claim report, please call your agent. Need to locate your agent? mennonitemutual.com/agents
In the event of an after-hours claims emergency:
1-800-678-6885 (ext. 120) or email claims@mennonitemutual.com

National General
Website: nationalgeneral.com/
Start a Claim by Phone:
Connect with Claims by Email:

Pekin Insurance
Website: pekininsurance.com
Home/Auto/Business Claims:
Life Claims:
Worker's Compensation Claims (Nurse on Call):
Need Roadside Rescue?
Auto Glass Claim: glassclaim.com/fnolpages/policyHolder_Info.jsp
Send a Message: pekininsurance.com/message/claims

Philadelphia Insurance
Website: phly.com
Submit a Claim Online: phly.com/Claims
Submit a Claim by Phone (Mon-Fri 8:30am - 8:00pm ET):
The call center is operational 24/7 to service customers reporting a catastrophic loss after 8:00pm:
Need More Contact Resources? phly.com/AboutPHLY/ContactUS

Progressive Insurance
Website: Progressive.com
Submit a Claim Online: Progressive.com/claims
Submit a Claim by Phone:

Proper Insurance
Website: Proper.insure
If you have a claim, this number is monitored 24/7/365:
Email: info@proper.insure

Safeco Insurance
Website: SafeCo.com
Submit a Claim Online: Safeco.com/claims
Submit a Claim by Phone:

The Hartford
Website: TheHartford.com
Submit a Claim Online: TheHartford.com/claims
Business Insurance Service Center (Available M-F: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CT):

United Fire Group
Website: ufginsurance.com
Submit a Claim Online: Online Claim Forms
Claims by Phone:
Please note, Work comp claims cannot be taken over the phone. Visit the work comp claims page.
Customer Care Center: Sign In

Utica National Insurance
Website: uticanational.com
Submit a Claim Online: uticanational.com/claims
Customer Care Center: myaccount.uticanational.com

weSure Insurance
Website: wesuregroup.com
Claims for BOP insurance policies sold by weSure are administered directly by their insurance carrier partner, AmTrust. Customers are supported by a 24/7 centralized call center staffed by special claims operators, adjusters specialized by claim types, field adjusters who provide direct assistance at loss locations, and a highly qualified panel of defense attorneys.
Information Required for All Claims Reported:
- Name of the insured and policy number
- Date, time and place of accident
- Description of accident or incident
- Name, phone and/or email of person making the report
First Report of Claim:
Phone: (866) 272-9267
Fax: (877) 207-3961
Email: anaclaimsreporting@amtrustgroup.com
Claims Status:
Phone: (888) 239-3909